Midwest economy: State-by-state glance for April

. Tuesday 3 May 2011
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The Institute for Supply Management, formerly the Purchasing Management Association, began formally surveying its membership in 1931 to gauge business conditions.
The Creighton Economic Forecasting Group uses the same methodology as the national survey to consult supply managers and business leaders. Creighton University economics professor Ernie Goss oversees the report.
The overall index ranges between 0 and 100. Growth neutral is 50, and a figure greater than 50 indicates an expanding economy over the next three to six months.
Here are the state-by-state results of the April survey in the Mid-America region:
Arkansas: The state index advanced for the sixth time in the past seven months to a regional high of 74.7, up from March's 71.8. Components of the index were new orders at 86.5, production or sales at 87.0, delivery lead time at 69, inventories at 60.4, and employment at 70.5. "An improvement in the state's economy has encouraged new entrants into the work force. As a result, the state's unemployment rate has leveled off at an acceptably high rate," Goss said.
Iowa: For the 16th straight month, the overall index climbed above growth neutral 50 to 69.7, up from March's 67.9. Components were new orders at 79.4, production or sales at 71.9, delivery lead time at 69, employment at 65.1, and inventories at 63.1. "The weak dollar has been especially good for Iowa's manufacturing sector, particularly producers closely tied to international markets or agriculture. The weak dollar policy of the Fed will continue to bolster Iowa manufacturing and the overall state economy," Goss said.
Kansas: The overall index rose to 58.4 from 55.1 in March. Components of the index were new orders at 58, production or sales at 54.7, delivery lead time at 67.6, employment at 65.1, and inventories at 63.1. "Firms tied to international markets and agriculture continue to report very healthy growth. However, aircraft and aerospace parts producers in the state report pullbacks in economic activity as higher fuel prices cut into sales and new orders," Goss said.
Minnesota: The index fell to 60.9 from 67.9 in March. Components of the index for April were new orders at 65, production or sales at 65.9, delivery lead time at 60.4, inventories at 57.2, and employment at 56.2. Durable goods manufacturing continues to benefit from healthy international sales and new orders, Goss said, while computer and electronic component manufacturers and food producers also reported upturns.
Missouri: The index dropped to 57.2 from 59.8 in March. Components were new orders at 56.1, production or sales at 58.1, delivery lead time at 61.2, inventories at 55.8, and employment at 55. Durable goods manufacturers reported much healthier business activity than nondurable producers, while food processing firms reported downturns stemming from significantly higher input prices, Goss said.
Nebraska: The index slipped to 54.4 from March's 58.9. Components were new orders at 56.7, production or sales at 56, delivery lead time at 54.7, inventories at 51.2, and employment at 53.6. "The cheap dollar has been an important stimulant to the Nebraska economy. Firms tied to international markets or agriculture are experiencing rapidly improving business activity," Goss said.
North Dakota: The index fell to 56.1 from 56.3 in March. Components were new orders at 54.7, production or sales at 49.5, delivery lead time at 69.5, employment at 42, and inventories at 64.7. "North Dakota is benefiting from growth in both energy prices and agriculture commodity prices," Goss said. "As long as the dollar does not rebound, the state's economy will continue on a solid growth path." The Federal Reserve's weak dollar policy has been positive for the state's economy, Goss said.
Oklahoma: The state index dipped to a still robust 68.8 from 76.1 in March. Components were new orders at 74.3, production or sales at 71.2, delivery lead time at 76.8, inventories at 64.8, and employment at 57.1. "High energy prices are fueling economic expansion in the state," Goss said. "Durable goods manufacturers linked to international markets or energy are experiencing solid growth."
South Dakota: The index declined to a still-healthy 61.2 from March's 64.5. Components were new orders at 68.1, production or sales at 68.3, delivery lead time at 45.8, inventories at 56.1, and employment at 67.9. "Manufacturers in the state tied to agriculture and international markets continue to report solid upturns in sales, new orders and jobs," Goss said. "This expansion will drive overall economic growth in the state in a positive direction for the next three to six months."